I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sleep Writing: The General

My dreams last night were all very strange and jumbled as normal dreams usually are. I think the highlight was when a reflection of a mutilated little girl appeared in the mirror and shrieked "Only sinful children look at me! Only sinful children look at me!" over and over. Then my friend Alisha poked the reflection in the eye, and said "Don't listen to her. She's licentious."
No idea what this dream means, and I'm not sure if I've ever used the word licentious out loud.

However, I did find this old piece of paper tucked away in a journal. It was something I wrote in my sleep a few years ago. (2006, it says in my awake handwriting.)
It is a paper torn out of a notebook. It's not a poem, exactly. It almost seems like an excerpt from story, or play. The quotation marks are actually written in. Here's what it says:

"Yeah, okay. But now you can listen to me, sir. I will take my cushy job, and my paid-for education, and my real relationships with my friends and kin. I will take that over your death and your insanity. And by god, General, I think I win."
The General's face flooded with rage, but Jack cut him off before he could speak.
"You believe that because you've seen first-hand the worst that humanity is capable of, that you are more of a person than I am? The fact that you've killed other human beings means that I must be the one to rethink my life? I must improve my character, make my life more valuable by ending the lives of others? I'm sorry, General, but I would rather win my life than this war."

I think this was the first thing I had ever written in my sleep. I remember being weirded-out when reading it in the morning. I've tried googling phrases from it, but it doesn't seem to be from anything. It's strange how it's in dialogue form.

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