I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Sleeptalking: Brrr

My house was very cold last night. I'm trying to keep my heating bill low this early in the season, and I haven't turned on the central heat yet. So it was probably 50 degrees or so inside while I was sleeping.

I woke up, and I was standing in the middle of my room, shivering. As usual, I was probably saying quite a few things, but I only caught the very last thing I said before I rose into consciousness:

                                                   "...as I traverse the treacherous tundra!"

I awoke, realized what I had just said and where I was. I then climbed back into bed, annoyed and freezing. My bed was not warm when I climbed into it, which makes me think I had been out of bed for quite a while. 
I would appreciate it if my subconscious did NOT play arctic explorer when I'm asleep, although I give it points for alliteration. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sleeptalking with Audio: The Dangers of the Written Word.

WOW have I been remiss in updating. The main reason for this is that sleep texting hasn't occurred in a looong time --ever since I got my new phone. It's an iphone, and I don't think my sleeping self has figured it out. Or perhaps, it's just not as interested in it.

Other things have happened though, and those things should have been posted! The sleep walking, talking, singing, book-stacking etc, has all continued. Of course the crazy dreams have continued.

Here's a gem that has needed to be posted. I was at my boyfriends house, and fell asleep before he did. This often promotes sleep conversations. Sometimes, he thinks to grab his phone and record what I am saying. Here is the first time that ever happened. Sorry for the pauses. I'm still figuring out how to put audio on here!

This is the audio of me, talking while asleep. Brian is awake. Below is a transcription, in case you can't understand what I'm saying.

Me: When you look through binoculars at a flower?
Brian: Yeah?
Me: And you can read the words off of the flower?
Brian: Yeah?
Me: And you can smell the flower?
Brian: Through the binoculars?
Me: Well, no. You know, by reading.
Brian: Yeah?
Me: You read the words off the flower, and then you can smell the flower.
Brian: From the words?
Me: Yeah. That's why you shouldn't read the words off of anything dangerous.
Brian: Like what?
Me: Well, like... like a bear.
Brian: Where are the words printed on a bear?
Me: On his face. Cause if you...
Brian: What if you read the words on a bomb?
Me: Up close, or from far away?
Brian: From far away.
Me: Like through binoculars?
Brian: Yeah. Through binoculars.
Me: Well, it depends. Is the bomb gonna go off? Is it lit?
Brian: The bomb...I mean..it's a bomb.
Me: Yeah, but. Just cause something is explosive, doesn't mean it's gonna explode right then.
Brian: It's still dangerous though. You just said something dangerous.
Me: Well, a bear is always dangerous. But a bomb isn't dangerous if it's dormant.
Brian: What if the bear is friendly?
Me: There are no friendly bears.
Brian: What about Winnie the Pooh?
Me: That's...not a thing.
Brian: Do you see any words on anything right now?
Me: Well, no. But we're trained not to read involuntarily. That's dangerous.
Brian: Who were we trained by?
Me: Um. You're trained your whole life.... Why are you asking me stupid questions? You know the answers to.
<10 second pause>
Brain: What are you doing?
Me: What?
Brian: What are you doing?
Me: What does it look like I'm doing?
Brian: That's why I'm asking you, I can't tell.
Me: These woods are dangerous.
Brian: Why are they dangerous?
Me: I told you.
Brian: Hyena men? (a reference to a different dream.)
Me: ...What?
Brian: I thought you told me there were dangerous creatures in these woods.
Me: Yeah.
Brian: Like what?
Me: Like...like...the carnivorous Lilly. With it's words on it's face. You can't help but read them.
Brian: Why? Because it's so beautiful?
Me: I don't know why. They don't know why.
Brian: What do the words say? Does anyone know?
Me: No. Because anyone who's read them is dead.
Brian: What if you only read half of them?
Me: That's not possible. Because that's part of...that's part of it. You start...you can't help but read those words and it transfixes you.
Brian: hmm. That is scary.
Me: And you're dead.
Brian: That's really scary.
Me: Yeah. I mean, we are all trained to stop reading dangerous words, but there are creatures here that force you to read them.
Brian: Are there any other dangerous creatures?
Me: Lots... I mean, all these plants. You don't know which ones are good.
Brian: Well, if they don't have any words on them, they're good, right?
Me: Well, we're not looking for words ...you don't ... you know.
Brian: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
Me: I don't think it's a good idea.
Brian: What?
Me: To, um, to light a fire here.
Brian: Why not
Me: Well, if this is the... if this forest is forcibly literate, then you may not be able to stop yourself from reading the words of the fire.
Brian: Oh... oh man..What are we gonna do?
Me: Well, I don't think we should camp here. I think we should continue through the night.
Brian: What will we do for light?
Me: I don't... the path is big enough. we can see fine. We don't want to draw attention.
Brian: Mm-hm.