I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sleepwalking: Spice Merchant -The Conclusion!

My poor roommates!

This was a grand sleepwalking adventure that happened two nights ago. It's been hard figuring out how to write about it, because I only remember tiny portions. Based on the testimony of the people who were there, Ashley, Anjin and Chris, here is what happened.

Recap of the Spice Merchant story
The spice merchant has been a prevailing theme the past few months in my sleeptexting and talking. In texting, mostly with Catheryne, about the spice merchant, I have said I have a husband named Anuin who was kidnapped or something. The spice merchant knows where he is, and I'm going to trade the blue rose of forgetfulness to him for information. I seemed to get more and more frustrated (and rather mean to my friends), because the merchant wasn't showing up.
My first mention of the spice merchant can be seen here.

But even before that, on Oct 18th, I had a sleeptexting session that mentioned the blue rose of forgetfulness. Apparently I was stealing it from the mage's garden? I guess the two were connected. I was stealing it for the Merchant.

Onto the sleepwalking:
It started with some sleeptexting. They were still awake in the living room, I had gone to bed early.

First to Anjin:
Me: Excuse me, who are you?

Anjin: I am the brother of Anuin. Can I help you?
(How Anjin guessed that that was what I was going to talk about, I have no idea. For all she knew, I could have been in any story.)

Me:Why do you tease me, woman? How do you know of Anuin?

Anjin: Oh, well, everyone does, he travels here often. He often tells me of his journeys.

Me: Where is the spice merchant?

To Ashley I said:
Me: And who are you? Do you know where the spice merchant is? I know he can't be far now.

Ashley: I know where he is, but I am forbidden to tell anyone.

Me: Who are you?

Ashley: I work for the spice merchant.

Me: I have been waiting for the merchant for nearly three months. His rose will soon lose its color.

Ashley: What will happen when the rose loses its color?

Me: It will be useless. It is what he asked for in exchange for telling me where my husband has been taken.

At this point, I got out of bed. I put on my grey sweater at some point, which has a hood, and put the hood halfway on. It looked at bit like a cloak's hood. I wandered around my hallway for a while, and my roommates started to notice. The stood in the living room, watching as I walked in out of my room.
Then I walked in their direction, going past them, and stopped on the other side of the room. I spent a few minutes looking at the thing that was in my hand. --which was a necklace that I have. It's long and full of blue pearls. I had it all tangled up. In my mind, I completely remember holding a blue rose.

I turned back to them, very upset.
"Where have you been?" I said, slowly. The three of them probably had minor heart attacks at this point.
"I have been waiting for three months." I said other such things for a while, during which time Ashley ran to get her video camera.

My comments were directed at Chris. Apparently, Chris is the spice merchant.

I held my hand out to him, showing him the 'rose.'
"This is almost useless." I said. Chris made small answers to my statements. He couldn't remember a lot of the context of the spice merchant, and he didn't want to upset me too much.
I went on about how Anuin was gone, how it was too late, and that it was his fault.

Holding out the rose, I said angrily, "You shall not have this. It shall not be for you." I turned to look at Anjin, and Ashley who was holding the camera. "It shall not be for YOU." I said at them.

Chris said: "who shall it be for?"
"I shall use this!"
I stood there for a while, looking upset. Then I placed the 'rose' on my chest. It looked as though I was pushing it into my chest. My facial expression cleared. I looked around confused, and dreamy and sad looking.
Chris told me to leave. "fly away" he said. I think he was pretty freaked out by this time.

I turned to go back to my room. The camera watches me walk down the hall, dropping the 'rose' as I go back to my room.
Then in the video you see Anjin's face mouthing "OH MY GOD!" -which is the funniest part of this very creepy video.

I'm not going to show this video on this blog for two reasons:
1. It's very creepy. I'm creeped out watching myself do something I don't remember doing. I'm very intense in the video. It's almost like a low budget horror movie -it reminded me of Paranormal Activity.
2. More creepy than watching myself, is the thought of strangers watching this video. There's nothing too embarrassing. I'm just in my pajamas in the hallway. But still, it seems very personal, and I don't' think I want it on the internet. I might change my mind later, but that's how I feel about it right now.

Watching me push the rose into my chest like that, I think what I was doing was using the rose of forgetfulness on myself. I think I decided to forget Anuin and everything that had happened. It was really rather dramatic, almost like suicide. I guess Anuin is dead, or at least lost to me forever.
I really hope that is the end of that story. It was very dramatic, and upsetting. It made me be rude to a lot of people. Obviously it was important enough to be a continuing theme. It's a little scary that I didn't know how long the spice merchant thing had been going on until I looked it up, but my subconscious knows that it had been almost three months. The timing works out, since oct 18th was the first mention of it.

My roommates have been a little jumpy around me at night ever since. Every time I come out of my room, they look up, suspicious. I have to say "I'm awake." It's like a mantra in my apartment now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god! How intense, I'm so sad for your protagonist in this story, to forget your husband in failure of rescuing him D: No wonder more books don't end like that.

    <3 Poor sweetie, At least you got an interesting, albeit creepy, video out of it? I wish I had a way of seeing it! Maybe you could put it on youtube privately and then give me the password so I could log in and watch it?

    Love you sweetheart. Also I think it's hilarious that chris ended up being the spice merchant!! O_o After all this time he was just across the apartment.
