I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

About Me and this Blog

My name is Lizzy. Welcome to my subconscious!
I am a rather active sleeper. More than anyone I have ever known. I have one or four vivid dreams every night, with detailed and sometimes horrific stories.
I am an active sleepwalker. I read that most people sleepwalk at least once or twice in their childhood. Apparently most people grow out of it. Most adults do not even remember their dreams. My sleepwalking has become more active with each passing year. I do things in my sleep that I've never heard of anyone doing -writing things, sorting coins, making statues with things around the house, creating elaborate fantasy-like stories and acting parts of them out.

SleepTexting. This is a big one. I googled it, and most experts are saying texting in your sleep is impossible. They say the person must be partially awake, just sleepy enough to not remember doing it. Most people who claim to text in their sleep type gibberish to their friends. Within the past couple of years I have texted elaborate messages to friends in the middle of the night. Sometimes I carry on conversations if the receiver of my texts knows my habits, and is willing to try to play along.
I talk in my sleep a lot. I cry, laugh, and sing in my sleep.
I also have mild sleep apnea, so I wake up a lot during the night gasping because I temporarily stop breathing. I only sometimes remember this (people have told me about instances of this that I didn't remember).
I have suffered from sleep paralysis several times. This is my least favorite of all sleep disorders. It is terrifying.

I have talked to doctors about this, but they're not very helpful. (They usually say I need better habits of getting ready for bed etc. No caffeine after noon, for example, and no reading before bed. As if I would ever stop reading in bed -I can't sleep without reading first.)

So in the meantime, until I can afford to go to sleep specialist, some hilarious and sometimes embarrassing stories come out of my sleepwalking escapades.
I intend for this blog to be part Sleepwalkers Log, and part record for the more interesting dreams. If I eventually stop doing all these crazy things, it will be nice to have this record of my adventures.

A Note About the Truthfulness of this Blog:
Every sleepwalking and sleeptexting event I write about is perfectly true. I try to write them as basically and truthfully as possible. I have never, nor would I ever make up or embellish such events. I understand that my sleepwalking and especially sleeptexting stories can be hard to believe if you don't know me. I almost expect skepticism. All I can do is assure you that they're real. My poor roommates have certainly learned this.
Besides, I would have a pretty sad life if I just invented sleepwalking stories all day. -What can I blog about? Oh I know, coin sorting! yay! This will finally give me something to talk about at parties!
As far as the dreams go, dreams can be rather hard to explain. I never make up or change any details about what I dreamed. I sometimes have to omit certain things that don't make sense, or put things in a slightly different order to be more coherent. I also take a bit of writers license with the descriptions of things, to better convey how the dreams felt. But like I said,  I don't add anything that wasn't in the dream.

As for my waking life, I am a grad student, studying music at a conservatory in Cleveland. I'm originally from California. I have a very handsome cat named Joseph.