I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sleep Texts: The Delegation

Here is the mass text that I sent to about 8 people:

"I have to get to the delegation to make my report. Do you know the way? I asked the doorknob, but she didn't know."

Out of the 8 people, only two people replied. Anjin and Chris. This was the first time they had ever been texted by me in my sleep, but I had told them about it before this.
Here are the resulting text conversations:

The conversation with Chris was pretty epic. I can't believe it carried on as long as it did. He knew I was sleeping.

Chris:"Only the elder dragon knows, and he requires a sacrifice."

Me : "Not possible. The dragons are too far east. I'd never reach the delegation if I went there. I must make my report!"

Chris: "Use a runestone to send your thoughts. You do still have one, dont you?"

Me: "My master never gave me one. Do you have one? Perhaps I can make my report that way."

Chris: "I buried mine in the cemetery in the bed of lilacs. You must be swift, the delegation waits for no one. I pray for your success."

Me: "Thank you anyway. Have you seen any figures of glass? Run, if you do. I advise you to rid yourself of all glass until the war is over."

Chris: "I thought there was talk of an alliance?!"

Me: "There can be no alliance with those who use lightning soldiers and glass spys. Such horrors. It is foolish to believe they can be peaceful."

Chris: "I should have known better. I was such a fool. Is there no way to stop them?"

Me: "we have said too much. there is glass everywhere. Even you still wear your clan beads. Convince your clan, if you can, to discard all the glass. I must go."

ChrisYou are both wise and brave. I'll do what I can. Tread lightly, friend. We cannot afford to lose you."

Anjin was slightly less successful.

Anjin:"Try asking the bookmark! He's a good source of info."

Me:If you're not going to take this seriously, then I can't take you with me, and you will be breaking your vow. I must get to the delegation."

Anjin"Are you asleep?"

Me"You always did ask foolish questions when you didnt' know the answer. Enough. We must go. And keep a wary eye out for any glass. We can't trust any of it now."

Anjin"Ok. I'm ready. But the question is, where is my steak book? I have your cactus book in hand, and will exchange it for my steak book."
(I had told her about a a theme that my sleepwalking takes on sometimes, of looking for my cactus book. More about that later.)

Me "You are a fool. It's a wonder my master put me under your protection."

Anjin"Because of my ninja skills, silly!"

Lol. Sorry, Anjin. I was being kinda mean. Nice try with the cactus book, but I guess it didn't fit in with the story.

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