I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dream: Adventures with Bill Nye

I had a lucid dream last night.
I dreamed I was attending an Education Festival. There were many tents set up in rows. Inside each tent you could attend a lecture about something. There were signs outside the tents that said things like "Fun with Geology," or "The Basics of Baking," or "The History Sexual Impropriety in Victorian English Literature."

From the beginning, I knew I was dreaming. I was actually enjoying the knowledge, and having a nice day walking around this festival fully aware that it wasn't real. It was relaxing, somehow. (Whenever I know I am dreaming, it doesn't make the dream any less important. So, if I'm about to get killed and I know I am dreaming, it isn't any less frightening for some reason. It's almost as if knowing that I am dreaming doesn't make it not real... it just gives it a different perspective.)

(Small side story: While I was walking around the festival, I ran into my friend Brian."Brian, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I thought I was supposed to be here. I thought I was supposed to be in all your dreams this month," he said.
I said: "Well, thanks, I appreciate the dedication. But this time, I know I'm dreaming, so you don't have to stay if you don't want to."
"Well, ok. If you're sure. I do have a lot to do today."
Then he left.)

As I walked around some more, I saw a sign outside a large green tent that said: "Dreams: A Science." I thought, when better to go to a lecture about the science of dreams than when you're dreaming?
I walked in and took a seat. The lecturer came out and set up his stuff behind the podium. I was surprised to see that it was Bill Nye the Science Guy! I liked him as a kid, so I was pleased to see him.
The lecture itself was pretty straight forward.  There were a lot of diagrams about brainwaves. We talked about REM sleep, and heightened anabolic states. We talked about Lucid dreams. This is when I decided I was going to talk to him afterwards. I waited for everyone  to leave, and made my way up to the podium as he gathered his things.
"Mr. Nye?" I asked.
"Please, call me Bill!" He said.
We shook hands. I told him I enjoyed the lecture. I was hesitant to tell him the truth. People in my dreams don't usually react well to being told that it's a dream. They usually end up attacking or imprisoning me. But Bill seemed happy to hear it.
"Oh wonderful!" he said. "I was wondering about that. I mean, an Education Festival? That definitely sounded like a dream. A dream come true!" (Bill Nye is a little corny, even in my dream. It also didn't seem to be an the case that he wasn't real. It was as if the setting was the only thing that was the dream, rather than the people.)
"Do you want to see some lucidity in action?" I asked him.
"Absolutly! There's a empty space on the other side of this tent. The "Creative Creationism" tent never showed up. I guess it just goes to show which tents you can rely on!" (This made sense in the dream, and was hilarious. Now it just seems confusing.)

We went out to an empty field in back of the dream tent.
"There are lots of things we can do with Lucidity. But altering gravity is my favorite." I told him. I took a normal, small leap forward, and landed as you would in real life. Then I took another leap, and went very slowly through the air, and landed gently.
"Think of it as walking on the moon." I said. "Here, take my hand. You'll be able to do it too."
He took my hand and attempted, but gravity was normal for him. I leaped with him on the third time. When he was starting to decend at a normal pace, I pulled him back into the air and he glided with me a short distance before we landed gently.
"That's astonishing!" He was almost beside himself with excitement. "I have read about these things. I have lectured about these things. But I have never seen it before, let alone done it myself."
"Would you like to try flying?" I asked him.
His eyes went wide. "Is that possible? I'm not the lucid one. I wont be able to get off the ground."
"Yes you will, as long as you're holding my hand."
"I've always wanted to try it. If it's safe, I would like nothing more."

I took his hand again, and we started to run forward. After eight large steps, I jumped into the air, pulling him with me. We flew over the tents, and away from the festival. It was almost dark by now, and the stars were coming out. Bill was yelling in excitement.
"Just don't let go of my hand!" I shouted back.

Suddenly there was a meteor shower. It was beautiful at first. I flew us towards a hilly area, away from electric lights so that we could see the shower better.  After a while, the meteors started to get bigger. They were getting closer. I started to get a little worried. "I think we should head back." I told Bill. He agreed. We turned back the way we came. In the distance ahead of us, there was what appeared to be a wall of evenly spaced electric lights. When we got closer, I realized they were not electric lights, but meteors, still bright, and hanging suspended in the air. I looked around us and noticed they had created a dome of evenly spaced lights all around us. The dome was growing smaller. I did not like the idea of flying through it, but there seemed to be little choice.
"Hold on!" I shouted.We flew straight through the dome, trying to avoid the lights. I felt a slight resistance in the air as we passed through, and a light surrounded our bodies. It looked like when something is re-entering earths atmosphere in a movie. Like this.

We got past it, and the lights faded. I dropped Bill off at his house, instead of back at the Festival. It had been a tiring experience, and we were both feeling a little shaky. He invited me in for tea. We had a cup of camomile, while we talked about lucidity and then I left. He was sitting in his chair as he waved goodbye to me.
Three hours later, I was walking down the street, when suddenly I felt an extreme pressure in my head. All of a sudden, I was not walking on the street anymore. I was back in Bills house in the doorway. He was waving goodbye to me.
"What? What just happened?" I said.
"What do you mean?" he said. "You finished your tea, and you were about to leave."
"What? No... I left three hours ago. I was miles from here."

It turned out that when we had flown through the meteor dome, we had somehow ripped a hole in time. Every three hours, it reset itself to the the moment I was about to leave his house. He remembered nothing, but I remembered it as continuous.
But who better to figure this problem out than Bill Nye the Science Guy? I had the spend the first half hour of the three hours explaining the situation to him, then we spent the next two and half hours trying to fix the problem.

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