I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Still on vacation. No big episodes of sleepwalking, and my phone always seems to be lost right before bed, which is probably for the best.

One thing I did last night: I woke up in Alisha's house, sitting up in bed. Sitting on my right palm was a box of tissues. Sitting on my left palm was a book. I was holding them out in front of me like an offering.

Also, I dreamed that I was flying around in the countryside (peter-pan style), and spotted an apple farm. I was hungry so I swept down and stole some apples and flew away eating them. I looked back to see the farmer standing next to the apple tree. He was very tall, almost 7 feet. He wore an outfit that was somewhere between farmer and turn-of-the-century gentleman. He was staring at me with an extreme intensity. I saw him grab an apple and hold it out in front of him. With his other hand he poured a liquid over it from a blue glass bottle. I looked down and the apple I was eating was becoming saturated with liquid.
That's odd, I thought. But I took a bite anyway.
I immediately started to shrink. As I became smaller and smaller, I was losing altitude. The wind resistance was all wrong, and I couldn't stay in the air. I crash landed. I was about seven inches tall.
I made my long and dangerous way back to the farm, almost getting eaten by a coyote in the process. It turned out that the farmer was also a voodoo priest. He told me that I could work off my debt by working on his farm in my currant state for one year. Then he would restore me to my true size.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

California Dreamin

I'm off adventuring in my home state of California right now, with limited computer time. The posts might slow down a bit.

One thing I did say in my sleep last night: I turned to my friend Alisha, sleeping beside me, and said "You're here too??"
Which makes me happy. It's like, not only am I home, but my best friend is with me!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Two Little Dreams

I dreamed a lot about mind control last night. I dreamed I lived with this woman I thought was like a mother figure to me, and I was like her servant. Then every once in a while I realized that I shouldn't be there, that I had been hypnotized all that time. I would try to escape, but she'd come after me. Reality would shift all around me because she held so much control over my mind.
It was a trippy dream.

I also dreamed that I had been diagnosed with "Lawyers Disease." What that means is that several times throughout the day, I experienced almost complete amnesia for 10 minutes at a time. It was very dangerous. What if I was driving my car, or talking to someone important, or walking down a busy street?
It was called Lawyers Disease because Lawyers were the original people to contract the disease when it first surfaced a century ago. It was believed that it came from sharks originally, and Lawyers back then made attache cases out of shark skin.
There seems to be a common theme in my dreams linking Lawyers with sharks.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sleeptalking: BBC

Apparently, in my sleep last night I turned on the radio next to my bed. I listened to the BBC news for who knows how long. I remember that they were talking about facebook and statistics of how much time Americans spend on it.

What I do remember is waking up saying "Bloody Yanks," while turning off the radio.

Then, right before I regained full consciousness, I said, "Hey!" as if I was offended.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sleepwritings: Diamonds and Peter

I was full to the brim with dreams last night. It felt like I had about 15 different dreams.
A while back I started putting an open notebook and a pen next to my bed. The main purpose was so that if I had a complicated dream, I could jot down some details so I would remember in the morning. I rarely remember to do that, but it has had the effect that sometimes I'll write in my sleep.

I woke up this morning to find that I had written two different things. Here's the first page:

"Diamond farming -new technique.
Must catch when they spin off of tornadoes.
I go around the country teaching people how to do it.
Don't call me mother.
Nothing wrong with hard, dangerous work -especially when the rewards are high."

I have no memory of writing this, but I do have a clear memory of a dream that I had about this. I was a specialist. I was the first to notice that tornadoes were flinging off pearl-sized diamonds, that when left untreated, would melt. I developed a technique that involved standing very near a tornado, wearing weighted steel armor, and catching the diamonds with a refined catchers mitt. Then you had to immediately treat them in some kind of chemical solution. (I can't remember the details of what was in it.)
I did travel around the country, (mostly the midwest), teaching people the catching technique. I also had my own radio program about the tornado diamond market. I'd say things like "Don't bother with the diamonds from Nebraskan tornadoes from the past week. The clarity is too poor."
About the "don't call me mother part," -All I remember is that I was an middle aged lady in this dream, and I had miscarried many times. I was very sensitive about it, and rather gruff of personality. I think someone called me mother in the dream, and I got really cold with them.
For this sleep writing, I was probably slightly awake. But I was too sleepy to remember doing it.

Of this next thing that I wrote, I have absolutely no recollection. I think I was fully asleep for this one.

Which Peter?
Vicious cycle of Peters."
I have no idea what that means.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sleeptexting: The Witchdoctor's Advice

I was awake for a while before I noticed these texts with Lexi on my phone. It's the first time I've ever sleeptexted Lexi, but of course, she knows about sleeptexting, and was happy to play along.

You are being absolutely ridiculous. I refuse to talk to you until you take the alligator out of your mouth.

Lexi: It's not my fault it's stuck to my tongue!

Me: I warned you. I don't care what the witchdoctor said. There are easier ways of seeing into the future.

Lexi: How can you blame me for my curiosity? This is hardly a time for "I told you so's."

Me: Well, what do you suggest I do about it? This isn't exactly my area of expertise.

Lexi: Is there some kind of food we could give it? FOOD THAT ISN'T MY FACE!"

Me: Calm down. I can't even understand what you're saying. Remember the witchdoctor said somethings about how your two heartbeats have to be the same for it to lose interest and leave you alone.

Lexi: How is that supposed to help? Alright, maybe we can raise the alligator's heartbeat...I don't know... Maybe you should tickle it?

Me: Look, I know we have known each other for many, many years. You're like a sister to me. But I'm not going to tickle an alligator. Not even for you.

Lexi: Well, what else do you suggest we do?? Ugh, didn't that worthless witchdoctor have anything useful to say?

I wonder how that situation turned out. I don't remember anything about the context. I didn't even know I had sleeptexted at all. When I woke up, my phone was across the room in the place I left it when I went to bed.