I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Home for Christmas

I'm at my mother's house for the holidays. Last night we apparently had a full conversation in the middle of the night when she got up. I remember none of it, not one word. She thought I was awake. A good start to the holidays.

On the plane, I tried very hard not to sleep. I dozed for one moment, and woke up yelling  "WHAT!?" I startled the poor guy next to me, and had to apologize.

Also, my cat is so happy to see me that I woke up every couple of hours because he head-butted me in the middle of the night. With most cats, that's a gentle thing, but my cat is huge. He also tried to sleep directly on my face at one point.
It's good to be home.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sleep Texting: Too many to handle.

Sleep texting with Sarah last night. I don't remember doing this, as usual. I didn't have any relevant dreams to accompany it. This is my second time sleeptexting with Sarah, so she knew what was going on.

Me: Twenty thousand of them. I can't believe it!

Sarah: What should we do? There are so many!

Me: We'll just have to learn how to ride them. You will have to get your moth licence.

Sarah: Don't you think that will take too long?

Me: It's the law, regardless. We might have to hire a moth wrangler or two until then.

Sarah: I think we will need more than 2 to handle twenty thousand. In the mean time I think I want to try to ride one!

Moth wranglers? O_o
I'm guessing either the moths are huge, or we are very small. Twenty thousand giant moths is an unsettling idea.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dream: (warning: Explicit Language)

I wouldn't normally post something like this. But I will, for two reasons. 1. It's kinda funny and had me giggling when I woke up. 2. Not much has happened lately in terms of sleeptexting or sleepwalking.

In this dream, I was the Queen of a vast country and its many provinces. The dream consisted of me sitting on my throne while one by one, people came up and informed me of problems around the country. Land disputes, economic issues, water shortages in one province, duels among the nobility. To every single problem that was told to me, I had the same answer:

"I don't give a flying fuck about that."

The subject who had informed me of their problem would then bow, and leave. Then the next in line would approach. I always listened benevolently to them. My answer had no aggression or malice behind it. It was simply my honest answer.
 I've never used that phrase in my waking life. It was an oddly satisfying dream, though.