I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sleep Text: An Old Friend

I woke up with that heavy feeling that means I did not sleep very deeply. It usually means I had been sleepwalking. I don't think I got up from my bed -at least, nothing is out of place. But sure enough, I was sleeptexting with my best friend in California, Alisha.
It's been about a month since I last sleeptexted. I thought maybe I was done with it for a while. Apparently not.

Me: Excuse me! Excuse me! Oh, forgive me, but you seem to have dropped your handkerchief.

Alisha: Why, thank you kindly. So few good Samaritans about these days.

Me: That is so true. You seem very familiar. Have we met before?

Alisha: I'm not certain, but I am much obliged. Are you to be boarding the train?

Me: Wait. Did you attend the Academy for Young Sorceresses of Promising Talent?* What is your name?

Alisha: Why, yes I did! Not more than two span ago. Henley is my family name. I always went by Beezus at school. How do you do?

It is you! I knew it! Two span? What is a span?** You always did have an odd sense of humor. I haven't seen you in years! Some days it seems like we were the only sane ones at that ridiculous academy.

Alisha: It's so lovely to see you too! That school was rather ridiculous at times. I'm actually working as a scribe at the moment. Are you living here?

Me: I have been offered a position as a See-er for the Rose Court in this city. I must admit it is a beautiful place. Perhaps our time at that glorified finishing school was not ill spent after all.

Alisha: Perhaps not indeed. It seems that you'll soon be putting our insufferable court manners class to good use! This city is so full of wonder for me still.

*Academy for Young Sorceresses of Promising Talent? I'm almost disappointed in my subconscious for coming up with such a stupid name for a school. But I suppose it fits, if it was supposed to be a ridiculous place.

** I had to think about this one. I realized that the book that both Alisha and I are reading right now uses 'span' to mean one week. But that's not a real usage of the word. (The dictionary says you can use it to mean time, but it is much more general. Example: "Our span on this earth is short.") It's weird that, because I'm reading the book too, my conscious mind knows exactly what she meant by the term. But for some reason my subconscious would not accept it in this story.

I don't really remember the context of the dream. I vaguely have a sense of running into an old friend, and being delighted. I think she and I used to cause a bit of mild trouble at the academy out of boredom.
I also think it's interesting how many details I allowed Alisha to make up. Usually if someone tries to add details, they don't fit the story, and I end up calling them a fool. She mentioned a train, made up a name for herself (Beezus. that made me laugh.) , and an occupation as a scribe. The only detail I didn't accept was the "two span," since apparently it had been years since we had been at school.

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