I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dream: The Blue Goddess II

Wow. I did indeed dream about the blue goddess again. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to. My dreams are only rarely recurring, or related to each other.

In this dream, I returned to that place of pitch blackness. I was surprised, thinking, basically what I wrote above. Thoughts like: "Where am I? Oh I'm dreaming again. Wow, two dreams in a row about this place, that doesn't happen often."
The goddess came to me again, blue and shining as before. She held out her hand and said one word: "Come."

I placed my hand in hers, and suddenly I was no longer in that place of blackness. I was standing in an open air marketplace. It looked like a marketplace in India. I was startled at this sudden change of location (something that probably wouldn't bother me in a normal dream. This dream was much more realistic in how it felt, and my reactions.)

The goddess was no longer standing beside me. I looked around, but she was nowhere to be found. So without any other options, I decided to explore a bit. The colors of this marketplace were amazingly vivid. There were tents everywhere, lining the street I was on and branching off into many little alleyways. The stalls sold some things that I recognized, like dates and nuts and many fresh, colorful vegetables. Most of the tents on this street, however, sold spices. The spices were on display in beautifully carved boxes, or colorful cloth-lined barrels. There were thousands of different spices, and the air was extremely fragrant with the mixture of them all. There was hardly a dull color anywhere. The tents, the clothing of the merchants and the shoppers, the spices themselves, all vivid.

It was very warm. Temperature is also not something I usually take note of in dreams. I can't remember ever sweating in a dream before. No one at the marketplace seemed to notice me, but as I walked around, they would step to one side, making room without looking.

Only once did I bump into someone. I started to apologize, but when I looked up, I saw that it was Merlin.
Quick note about Merlin: This is a man who has appeared in my dreams every once in a while, since I was a very young child. He almost never participates in the dream, I just see him on the fringes, watching. He has always seemed to be a seporate part, as if he is just an observer. I have been able to talk to him only a few times. His name is not Merlin, but I started calling him that when I was little, because he has a bushy beard, and he seems magical to me. I told him that once, and he was very amused, so the name stuck. I'll talk more about Merlin another time, but what's important right now is that on the rare occasions that Merlin talks to me, he usually tells me to prepare myself for an important destiny, or some such dramatic thing like that. He told me once that all my ancestors have lived so that I might be born, because I have an important job to do in my lifetime. No pressure, right?
But I'm always happy to see Merlin anyway. He's like a father figure, or even a spirit guide in my dreams.

So when I bumped into Merlin, he smiled warmly at me. It was almost a mischievous smile.
He said, "I told you so." and walked away before I could speak.

After wandering around in the marketplace for what seemed like hours, I saw the blue goddess again. She was leaning against a table inside the spice tent I was looking at. I hadn't seen her arrive -it was like she had always been there, and I only just noticed her.
She said, "Time to go." She reached out and touched me on the hand.

Then I woke up. At least, I dreamed that I woke up. It was exactly like my bedroom, and I was myself. I quickly sat up, and what looked like blue/purple dust billowed off of me. I shook out my hair and more dust flew off. It looked like sapphire powder.
Then I noticed the fragrance in my room. I could still smell the spices. I sat in bed in awe for a few minutes, as the smell of spices slowly began to fade.

I dreamed I fell back asleep. The goddess was waiting for me in the place of blackness, smiling. We had a long conversation, only part of which I remember. I asked her what the blue dust was. She told me that until I learned to do what she was trying to teach me, she had to use to blue powder. She told me that it was a conductive material, to bridge the gap between worlds.

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