I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sleeptexting: Virus

My best friend Alisha from California texted me at 2 in the morning, (it was 11pm her time). I was asleep, and responded in my crazy sleep way. She responded in her cheeky way. :)

Alisha:  Sorry I've been MIA the last couple days, I'm sleeping a lot. This virus is kicking my butt. :(

Me: And how exactly did you afford a virus? They are far too expensive these days.

Alisha: I got myself an illness sugar daddy.

Me: You are suspicious.

Alisha: You're the one who asked. Anyway, headcolds are so last winter.

Who would want to buy a virus? O_o

Also, I've been sleeping with a strong humidifier lately, so my bedroom has been very humid at night. I woke up in the process of walking around my room saying things like, "This swamp is very dangerous." and "Mind the alligator."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sleeptexting my teacher again...

I've said it before, I've given up trying not to text my opera teacher. It's just going to happen whether I like it or not. He knows, and he doesn't mind. This is what I said to him this time:

"Ant historians have so many more names to memorize. Humans have it easy."

I sent this to my roommate at the same time. Both she and my teacher first read it as "Art historians" and were very confused why I would say that. Then they realized I said "Ant," and realized I was sleeping.

Sleeptexting: More Razorblade Trees

I can't keep up with all the little things I've been doing in my sleep.

I've had two more small conversations about Razorblade trees:
Friday night:
Me: Ho there! That is not a good way to go, friend. Steer clear of those Razorblade trees. 
 Alicia: Ho there! Thank you. I did not see the Razorblade trees! That would have been an untimely end. But why are we here?

Tuesday Night:
 Me: You are the third fool to pass through here this week. Are travelers no longer told to beware the Razorblade trees?

Ryan: No one warned me! I merely wish to see my family! How shall we traverse this treacherous place?

I'm not sure what this Razorblade tree theme is suppose to mean. Obviously it's important for some reason.

I've also been sleepwalking around my room a lot lately. I've woken up a couple times this week on the floor, or standing up. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sleeptexting: Probably Good Advice

 First time sleeptexting with Ali, my friend and costume designer. Luckily she and I had talked about sleeptexting, so she knew what was going on.

Me: Hey stranger, you are probably going to want to steer clear of those Razorblade trees. Not that it is any of my business.

Sleeptexting: Love

Quick and sweet sleeptext with my best friend.

Me: Twenty barrels of love, and not an ounce more!

Alisha: Deal!

Sleeptexting: Tulips

Me: There, do you see? I told you I wasn't lying.

Brian: Lying about what?

Me: Look closely. Those are not trees. They are giant tulips! I told you I saw tree-sized flowers. Now do you believe me?

Brian: Those are beautiful!

Me: It is only seven miles from home, but we have never been ehre before. I have never seen such flowers.

Brian: I wish we could bring one home with us to prove their existence to the others.

Me: They are too big. And when I broke off a petal last time and brought it home. It turned into a regular tree branch before anyone saw it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sleeptexting: Sneaking in.

I think my subconscious sometimes chooses someone to talk to semi-exclusively every once in a while. This is the third time in a row texting with Brian.

Me: What did you say?

Brian: I did what you said, but it didn't make any difference. I only spoke out of frustration.

Me: Keep your voice down. They'll hear. It's your fault we have to climb the wall in the first place.

Brian: Remind me why we are climbing the wall.

Me: Do not blame me. You are the one who forgot the copper pieces for the drawbridge toll. Do you want to go to the festival or not?

 The drawbridge toll thing sounded familiar. With some hunting through the blog I found this post which says something very similar. I wonder if it's the same story?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sleeptexting: Charms

Me: What did I tell you about buying street peddler charms? Now you shall be spitting marbles for a week. And look! Your eyes are purple!

Brian: What if I like them purple?!?!

Me: You look like a marked fool.

Marked fool is a strange way to phrase it. What I'm guessing is that those peddler charms are well known for having bad magical side effects, which is why he is foolish to buy them. So the spitting marbles and purple eyes mark him as a fool.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sleeptexting: Runaways

It's been over a month since anything crazy has happened while sleeping. Sometimes I think my subconsious waits in order to lull me into a false sense of security.
There have been a few little things. Sleepwalking aimlessly around my room. Having a conversation with a vase. But that's it.

Last night, sleeptexting resumed with my friend Brian.

Me: Are you certain we are going the right way? This road does not look familiar to me.

Brian: Let's just venture on a bit further

Me: Do you think they will have noticed our absence by now?

Brian: The diversion I created should buy us enough time to complete our mission. But we must hurry.

Me: I am terrified they will come after us and force us to return to that horrible place.

Brian: I would do anything to avoid going back there. The experiences that they performed on us haunt  me to this day.

Me: I want to put all the memories of that place behind us as soon as we can. Promise me you will stay with me. I will never go back.

Brian: To the end.

Me: You mean the world to me. I must not lose you. The provisions that we stole from them will only last another day. What if we do not reach the city?

Brian: We'll cross that bridge if and only if we come to it. Perhaps it is time for Phil to serve a higher purpose, but only if there are no other options.

Me: And if they catch us? You might be able to buy your way out, but they would never let me go.

Brian: If it comes to it, I will see to it that you are protected, even if it means giving my own life, or worse, my dignity.

How very noble of Brian!
I don't know from where we were escaping. Brian made up some details that I didn't argue with, so maybe they were doing experiments on us like he said. It seems unclear what our relationship is, whether family, romantic or other. I don't remember any context.