I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dreams: Nightmares of the Almost normal variety

I think my subconscious is expressing the stress I feel in my waking life right now. I've been having a lot of very dream-like dreams. The kinds of dreams everyone has -in which you are yourself, with themes taken from your recent daily life. That's rather unusual for me.

I dreamed my teacher, Mr. Simmons, was teaching us the Korean language. "Don't you know? Most of your repertoire is in Korean, Lizzy. You have to be fluent. I can't believe you haven't' figured this out by now."

I dreamed that I was cast as the lead in the opera at school. Two days before rehearsal started, I broke my leg. I asked my director, very casually: "So, what would you say if I suddenly...I don't know, broke a limb or something."
He said, very seriously: "Your role would be taken from you, and you would be expelled from this institute, of course."
So, I went to the doctor and got myself a walking cast. I wore very baggy pants over the cast and tried to hide the fact that my leg was broken. I was in a lot of pain, walking around in rehearsals, but I tried my hardest not to limp and give myself away.

Last night I dreamed that I was sent to a mental institution in Germany. It was somewhere in the Black Forest. Everyone spoke only German, and I could not understand what they were saying. I was a high security patient, but I did not know why I was there.
It turned out that I was indeed insane. I only thought I was an American girl, and that I didn't speak German. The truth was that I was a German girl, and that I only thought I couldn't speak German, when really I could.

You don't need to be a first year psych student to be able to analyze these dreams. They're pretty clear, and not very fun to dream.

1 comment:

  1. Remember last week when Mr. Simmons was trying to get us to pronounced Min's South Korean name and you were the only one to be able pronounce it properly?
