I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dream: Elvenkrist

(pronunciation note: Elvenkrist =the krist is not pronounced like Christ, but with the short i as in Chris. Daetian = Day-shun.)

I dreamed that I lived in a large house with my mother and many servants. I never had a father, and I never thought to ask about him. My mother and the maids always insisted that I keep my bed next to the window in my bedroom. My window faced the front of the house. If you stood in the garden, you could see my entire bed clearly. I could see the stars as I fell asleep.

I was usually a very deep sleeper, but occasionally I would sleep restlessly. During these nights, I always sensed a powerful presence, strong and watchful. I thought it was just a recurring dream. On one such night, I could feel myself rising towards the surface of wakefulness. I opened my eyes slightly and saw a man standing outside my window gazing down on me. I was too sleepy to be startled. He was a tall, barrel-chested man with a shaggy beard and a powerful intensity in his eyes. Looking into them, I saw a deep sadness.
"Father." I said aloud, startling myself.

The intense sadness deepened for a moment before he hurried away. I got dressed as fast as I could and followed him. I followed him to an area outside town, through the vast forest. He hurried into a medium sized house surrounded by acres of trees.

The dream cut to after I had confronted him. He confirmed that he was my father. I decided to stay with him whether he allowed me to or not I asked him why he had never spoken to me before. He replied that it was in my own best interest, and that I was never to ask him again.
During my stay with him, he would disappear for a while every day and not tell me where he went. On on e of these days, I became bored in the house, and, disobeying my father, went exploring in the forest. After wandering for an hour or so, I heard voices in the distance. I followed the sound and came to an enormous clearing. There was about a hundred people in the clearing, all dressed very strangely. After a few moments, I realized that the people themselves were odd. Some had glowing eyes, some had elongated ears. They were grouped in a large circle, their attention fixed on something in the center.

I stepped closer to get a better look, and in the center I saw my father -who was floating ten feet above the ground. I gasped aloud and everyone turned. My father saw me and fell, startled, to the ground.We all stared at each other for a few moments in silence. Then someone from the back who appeared to have the legs of a goat said loudly:
"I told ya she'd find out. I told ya you shouldnt've left her out of it. I told ya. Didn't I tell ya?"
"Quit your bleatin, Lunious." someone else yelled.
My father came up to me with that same ancient sadness in his eyes.
"I guess it's time I explained some things." he said.

He explained to me that there were many great races in the world. In the Golden Era, they were separate, each race breeding only with its own kind. But since the Golden Wars have been over and peace has reigned between the races, there was a lot of interbreeding and nearly everyone was a mixture of two or three. My father told me that he was King of the Gypsy races, but even he had some leprechaun, vampirial and some even some Jinn blood in his side of the family. As King of the Gypsies, he held the highest ranking in this part of the world. I learned later that there had been some trouble in other parts of the world. Some wanted to renew the Golden Wars and outlaw interbreeding. As King, my father had been the leader of the armies of this part of the world.

After the day in the forest clearing, everyone who needed to see my father came freely to the house. At any given moment there were ten to fifteen people of all types in the house doing various tasks. There was one man who was there everyday. His name was Daetian, and he was high in the chain of command of the Golden Armies. he would have everyone believe that he was a full-blooded vampire, but it was rumored that he had some demon blood in him. He had nearly-glowing blue eyes, and black hair. He was unrealistically handsome. It was said that he was first choice for my father to appoint as general of the armies. They spent a lot of time strategizing, discussing battle tactics. I distrusted Daetian or no real reason. Maybe it was because I had never met a vampire before. Whatever the reason, I mostly stayed away from him.

The day came when my father had to make the decision of who would be general. Daetian was at the house, as usual, going about the usual tasks with an impatient, eager manner. My father spoke in a casual tone:
"Daetian, Lunious has been evaluated as a candidate for general, and was appointed. The decision will be posted later today."
Across the strategy table, Daetian froze.
"What?" he said in a very quiet voice. My father took out a piece of paper.
"I have the orders right here. I just need to sign it." His voice took on a note of warning. "these are my orders, Daetian."

Daetian continued to stare at my father as if his gaze could pierce through him. I was in the room throughout this exchange. I was on Daetian's side of the table, leaning my back against the wall. Then, quicker than I had ever seen anything move, Daetian had a dagger out from somewhere inside his jacket, and pressed it against my throat. I had had no time to react, and I was pinned against the wall. My breath got faster and I looked at my father. His eyes narrowed in fury, his white knuckled hands gripped the table. Daetian spoke:
"Write my name on the papers, sign it, and pass them slowly over the table," he said quietly, almost casually, "or I kill the Elvenkrist."

Even in this situation, with the flat of his ruby-hilted dagger pressing hard against my throat, I couldn't help but think "the what? Elvenkrist?" My confusion must have shown on my face because Daetian suddenly grinned at me with amusement and disbelief. He addressed my father, but his eyes stayed on me.

"You still haven't told her, have you, your majesty?" he laughed. He spoke to me:
"You still don't' know what you are, do you? This is priceless! Allow me to enlighten you."
"Daetian." My father hissed in fierce warning. Daetian ignored him.

He explained that I was the Elvenkrist from the prophecies of the Golden Era. The Elvenkrist, he explained was a perfect hybrid of all the Great Races, and who is royally born. It is said that the Elvenkrist, if taught properly, would have all the powers of each race. After this the prophesy is vague. Some say the Elvenkirst will bring peace to all the races and finally put a complete end to any talk of war. Some say the Elvenkrist will bring continuous war. Some say the Elvenkrist will bring about purity of race once more.

I know, looking into my father's sad eyes, that this was the reason he had given me up as a child. he wanted me to have a happy life, away from terrors of war.
"Now," said Daetian, turning his hate filled gaze back on my father, "I wont have you ruining my fun. I will have my war. Sign the papers, old man."

My father, after several moments of hesitation during which the blade at my throat pressed tighter, signed the papers in golden ink, and pushed them at Daetian. Daetian also signed them.
"Thank you, your majesty." he grinned again. "Now if you will excuse me, I have important business to attend to." He put the dagger back into his jacket, but before I could edge away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.
"I think I'll take the little Elevnkristita. The cheeky blighter's growing on me."
"No!" screamed my father as he dove across the table. Suddenly, it was as if reality melted.

The next thing I knew I was in a small room with no furniture and no windows, still held in Daetian's grip. Apparently, vampires could disappear and reappear at will. I blacked out.
I don't know how much time passed before I came to. I was alone and shackled to the ground in the middle of the room. Daetian opened the door and entered.
"It's a shame you were never trained." he said bemusedly . "You would know how to get yourself out of this predicament."

He began to move around me in a circle, slowly.
"Do you know what vampires do, little Elvenkrist?" He smiled wolfishly."They absorb people's essences. Their power. Just think of the power that passes though your veins."
I didn't' know this at that moment, but when a vampire is about to bite someone, the victim's veins begin to glow golden. I looked down at my arms I could make out each vein as it shown through my skin like a brilliant golden light.

Then I woke up! x_x

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