I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sleep Texts: Spice Merchant Again!

It's unusual for there to be a continuing theme in sleep texting. Although The cactus book theme was rather long-running a few years ago. Obviously whatever I have to say to the spice merchant is very important. In the other texts I said he knows where my husband has been taken.
This message I sent to my friends Chris and Adam, and one of my professors. It's the third time I have sleep texted this professor, which is rather mortifying. Luckily, he knows about it, and finds it entertaining.
Only Adam responded. Here is the short conversation:

Me: I have sought and found the blue rose of forgetfulness. Now, where is he who will trade with me for secrets?

Adam: I am a minstrel -well traveled, much loved, yet lonely. I have many secrets. Which secrets do you want in trade for your lovely rose?

Me: I want no musical secrets. Go away, if you cannot tell me where the spice merchant is.

Is that the spice merchant's ship I see approaching on the horizon? Sails billowing, flags flying, making good speed! Is this his ship?

Haha, nice responses, Adam. It's funny how my crazy subconscious brings out the creativity of my friends.

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