I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Hate Zombie Dreams!

I have a zombie dream probably once every month. I hate them I hate them.

This particular zombie dream included a serum that turned everyone to zombies. It was a decision that was voted on by the public, whether or not to convert the United States to a Zombie Nation. The vote was 90% in favor of Zombieism.
Zombies had all their regular functions, but since they were technically dead, they could not catch any other diseases. They also did not need to sleep, which they argued, made for a more productive society. The only draw backs were that zombie voices were lower, and gravelly. Zombies had heightened emotions, and a overdeveloped sense of aggression. They were rather clumsy. They shambled about when they walked. They could still run, but only on all fours.
It was important for everyone to become zombies at the same time -it takes one hour for it to take effect. So everyone in the nation had to receive an injection of the zombie serum within the hour. Zombies feel an overwhelming need to rip apart regular humans. So it was important for none to be left without the serum.

I was one of the 10% that was against Zombification. It was a mandatory inoculation, but I made sure mine was a saline solution. I pretended to become a zombie. I spoke with a low, gravelly voice, and shambled about when I walked. I attended the celebratory zombie parties to keep up appearances.
I had a 7 year old son. I made sure he recieved a saline inoculation too. I taught him how to act like a zombie. My goal was to leave the country, but if we tried to escape too soon, it would be suspicious. So I was going to stage a reason for leaving -a business trip of some sort. Most people who tried to leave the country too soon were caught, and inevitably ripped apart by zombies.

It turned out that the serum does not work for 20% of all children. When they were testing the serum, all the children tested took to being a zombie very well. But it doesn't work for that 20%. My sons friends, after several months of pretending to be a Zombie, in their zombie families, started to reveal to my son that they were, in fact, human. I couldn't just leave them here, to pretend to be zombies their entire lives and most likely be ripped apart by their parents. Suddenly my goal of escaping the US was much more complicated.
I started a kind of underground railroad, getting children out of the country. I sent them to Human sympathizers in Canada.

Human children all over the US were being discovered, and killed by their families. The government put out a mandatory order for all children under the age of 10 to be examined. My son had been suspected by his teacher. I had to take him out of school, and hide him under the floorboards of my house for over a month. When asked what happened to him, I told people I had discovered he was human, and had of course, killed him.
There was one instance in the dream where my son was in the upper part of the house, and some unexpected visitors dropped by. I had to push him into the broom cupboard to hide him. While these guests were at my house there were many instances of them almost discovering him.

I don't' remember whether we made it or not. I don't care. I forced myself to wake up. I Hate zombie dreams.


  1. I like this dream. It sounds horrifying and terrible to be living, but like an awesome movie. Maybe with a little tweaking in terms of how many children you can actually save as an individual, especially young ones.

    What happened with food? Did zombies still eat regular food so as a human you could get a hold of it?

  2. It's an interesting story, but dreaming about it is upsetting! D:

    Now that you ask about food, I remember that detail. I had forgotten before now!
    Zombies were carnivores. Meat only! They still cooked meat, like before, but they did not put anything on it like seasoning. Their bodies could not process any plant material. I had been a vegan before Zombification, so this was particularly horrifying. I had to eat only meat in public, and have only meat products in my home. My son and I took supplements, and got some veggies when we could. -I think we had a tomato plant hidden under the floor boards.
