I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dream: Scurvy

I dreamed I was a young girl in an Inuit tribe. It was probably around the turn of the century, and white explorers and anthropologists were starting to be seen by us more frequently. My tribe was small, but we were connected to several kin groups that lived within a few miles.
This group of missionaries came to our camp, and stayed in their own tent nearby. At first it was not a problem, they were a strange oddity that we girls were asked to stay away from. The old women were very amused by them. The men too, although they kept a close watch on them.
They spoke some of our language, and had the strangest habits. Their clothes were strange and obviously not warm enough. They shivered a lot. Their hair was the color of urine. I had never seen such hair.
They became more and more insistent in their ideas. They talked to the men for hours about something, I never knew what. What did affect me though, was that they were trying to change the way we ate. They insisted that we light fires and roast all the food we caught. They seemed to be shocked by the eating of natural meat. My people did sometimes cook food this way, but mostly we ate seal and caribou meat as it is as soon as it is caught, or frozen. If we did heat it, we usually boiled it for a short time. We began to roast the food. I did not mind, because meant we light fires more often, which I have always enjoyed.
After a period of several weeks, I began to feel sick. I started to get spots all over my body. My once pretty skin looked pale and thin. It hurt to move around.
We realized it was because of the new way of roasting the food. I realized (even though I couldn't' have known this exactly if I was an Inuit girl,) that I wasn't getting any vitamin C. There is Vitamin C in raw seal and caribou meat, but not if it is cooked. (Which is true actually. I remember talking about that in some class many years ago. I had forgotten about it though.)
I started eating raw seal blubber again. But it was too late, and I died of scurvy. I was the first of my tribe to die, but several followed me. The elders decided that these white missionaries were bad spirits, and they were driven out of our camp.

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