I am an extremely active sleepwalker and especially sleep-texter. Here is a record of my sleepwalking activities, transcriptions of my sleep text conversations, and narrations of my crazy dreams.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Dreams: The New Teacher

I think my mom's comfy guest bed, coupled with my cat sleeping next to my face is making me sleep more deeply than usual, and therefore dreaming less. I haven't sleepwalked or sleeptexted since I got here. My dreams are more normal, with less detail than usual.

For example, last night I dreamed the tires on my car were stolen. By beavers. The end.

The night before I dreamed that Roberto Alagna, a famous opera singer, came to teach at the music conservatory I go to.
Here's a picture of Roberto Alagna.

Everyone was very excited -it was the buzz of most of the gossip between students. He was going to teach an opera history/opera workshop class. I was also very excited, I had just seen Alagna in Carmen in a live broadcast from the Met, and looked forward to what I could learn from him.

We had a welcoming ceremony for him in the lobby of the school. All the voice students were there, and there were balloons and banners. He was very gracious, and smiled and shook hands with everyone. When he saw me, his smile dropped for a moment. He smiled again, but his eyes were piercing when he looked at me. Throughout the ceremony he glanced at me every once in a while. I began to feel a little uneasy, and I told my friend Anjin about it. She said I was being a stupid 4**, thinking everything was about me. I laughed it off with her, but I still felt strange about the vibes he was sending me.

I took his classes, with all the other voice students, and they were fascinating. He had a lot to say about the history of opera, and about his own experiences. His opera workshop classes were useful and challenging. When he posed a question to the class, I raised my hand. His eyes always fell on me first, but he purposefully called on other people.

One day noone else raised their hand but me. He stared at me for a full thirty seconds before calling on me. My answer was correct. He stared at me again, and a grin spread slowly across his face. It was a wolfish grin, and I felt uneasy once more. At the end of class I was slow moving because I had a lot to pack up into my backpack. I was the last person out the door. Just as I was walking out the door. I thought I heard a faint "Lizzy!" from right behind me. I turned around, and suddenly he was there. He slapped me sharply across the face with the back of his hand. I wasn't that hurt, but I was so shocked I hardly had time to recover before he was saying "Good work today, Lizzy. I'll see you tomorrow." He showed me out the door with a smile, and shut it again after I left. I stood there in front of the closed classroom door for a few minutes, utterly stunned. Did he really slap me? Had I just imagined that?

A few days passed without incident. I stayed quiet in his classroom, no longer raising my hand. I even ditched class once. I felt sure by now that I had just imagined the backhanded slap, but that did not worry me any less.

A few nights later, I was walking towards the school building from my car. It was dark already, but I wanted to practice before I went home for the night. It was snowing, and I was alone in the parking lot. I heard something in front of me, and looked up. At the end of the parking lot, standing under a holly tree was Professor Alagna. He wasn't wearing a coat. He was staring at me with a fierce grin that made me take a step backward. I took off the hood of my coat to get a better look, but he was gone. I'm imagining things again, I thought. What's wrong with me? I started walking again. I was in the middle of the field on the side of the building when I felt something grab me by the back of the neck. It felt like a very large hand. I felt myself being lifted off the ground.

Then I woke up, dammit. It was very frightening while I was dreaming it, so I probably forced myself to wake up -nightmare wake-up style. But I want to know what happens!
This dream is different for two reasons: 1. There's not quite as much detail as other dreams. I blame that on the comfy guest bed. 2. I'm not often myself in my dreams. I'm usually playing a character of some sort. This was me for-sure. School even looked exactly as it looks in real life. My friends acted as they probably would. The new teacher was the only variable, which made it extra freaky.

**4 is on the Enneagram scale. It's a personality scale that I've read about. According to the scale, I really am a 4,. 4's are supposed to be creative artists, rather moody, and they think they're special. They're also reluctant to be categorized by numbers. :p

Update: 1-19-11
Last night, in real waking life, I parked in that parking lot that was in this dream. It was after dark, and I wanted to practice, and it was snowing -exactly like in this dream.
Halfway across the empty parking lot I suddenly got a feeling of uneasiness, and a chill raised the hairs on the back of my neck. I stopped in my tracks and looked up. There was the holly tree that Professor Alagna had been standing under in the dream. Noone was there.
I looked down, and found $20 bucks on the ground, half buried in the snow! yay! I wouldn't' have found it if I hadn't have had a creepy flashback to this dream.

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